I am a completely different person

After being in treatment for almost four months, I can honestly say that I am a completely different person than I was when I walked into the glass-paneled doors of my treatment center. I have learned not to define myself by labels or diagnosis or even by the thought and feelings of others. I've learned to accept myself for exactly who I am-a perfectly imperfect individual. I now know what it is like to love myself and to respect the person that I am becoming. I have had to scrutinize every aspect of my behavior and of my life, and have admitted many truths about myself and have come through it with willingness and consequently strength. I have changed many things about myself but one of the biggest differences is my decision to live my life sober and free of all drugs and alcohol. I am immensely grateful to have made this choice to simply start living my life instead of watching it drive by. As just a 20 year old young adult, this may seem like a big task and one that will be very difficult to prove in a college environment. Though this may seem like an impossible task, I have courage, faith, and hope in myself. I know in my heart that going to treatment saved my relationships, my relationship with my higher power and my life.
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