While at Brookhaven Retreat you will have the opportunity to attend a weekly aftercare planning group to begin the process of preparation for the transition from the safety of treatment back into the natural environment. In addition to this you will have one on one meetings with the discharge planner to create a highly individualized aftercare plan. This will focus on arranging follow up appointments with outpatient providers as we recognize that the success of any program is often contingent on adequate follow up post discharge.

The Aftercare program at Brookhaven Retreat offers several options for continued support of recovery once you have left our facility. We do not feel that the completion of one's stay here is the completion of their treatment. We have three very specific programs in place for the alumni. First, we have a weekly Aftercare group that is held every Monday night and works like a conference call. The group is semiformal and offers a chance for our alumni to connect and reconnect with other alumni who are in all different stages of their recovery. Ladies will share about their experiences of returning home and reintegrating in to their personal lives, as well as the difficulties and challenges they have faced with their relapse warning signs. In addition, a topic focus for each group means that alumni will experience a type of refresher session, which will assist in the application of coping skills learned in treatment for practice in the natural environment.

Second, we have a website set up specifically for the alumni. It is a social networking site in which the alumni can create a profile, put up pictures and send and receive messages to other alumni, and some staff. On the website one would also find news about Brookhaven, success stories and links for information on support groups. The website is secure and requires approval from the Aftercare Coordinator to join in order to ensure confidentiality.

Finally, we conduct follow-up interviews with the alumni. The interviews are conducted at one month, three months, six months and one-year post discharge. Some of the questions asked are about going to appointments, meeting attendance and if they are working/attending school, among other things. And of course they are asked if there is anything that we can do for them at the present time.

Additionally, to recognize the success of our graduates Brookhaven Retreat hosts an annual alumnae reunion. Alumni from all over the country come together with their Brookhaven sisters to restore, renew and treasure the life changes they began while in treatment. Brookhaven is a very special place to the alumni who have learned and redefined themselves while here. Our door is always open, and we want our alumni to always feel that we are a continued source of support for them.

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