Impaired Professional Realignment

Psychiatric disorders, alcoholism and drug dependency can be totally devastating for the individual woman and all those she is connected with.

This can be even more so for a physician, attorney or other professional who has high demands and expectations placed upon them each day by their clients and the public.

Due to this and their professional licensing, the decision to seek treatment can be even more difficult for such professionals. The stigma and shame, which seems to be all too judgmental for such women, can be a huge barrier from seeking support and assistance.

At Brookhaven Retreat, we make no such judgments of anyone. How the problem evolved is not as important of a therapeutic issue as is what you will do about it.

On many occasions, the professional will seek treatment because of an intervention organized by their family, licensing board or other regulatory agencies. We know we need to be particularly sensitive when this happens.

We have a dedicated impaired professional therapy leader who is highly experienced in helping these women work and grow from the specialized program developed for Brookhaven Retreat. Based on research and a range of modalities, these combined formats produce extraordinary results.

Professionals do not want to go through treatment repeatedly, so it is our goal from the onset to identify the severity of the issues and the scope of the overall picture. The Lily™ program includes large elements of life coaching, which is particularly relevant and suited to professional women.

The impaired professional client group may include:

  • Doctors and other health care professionals
  • Executives
  • Physicians
  • Nurses
  • Dentists
  • Pharmacists
  • Pilots
  • Stockbrokers
  • Scientists
  • Police and firefighters
  • Clergy
  • Teachers and educators

A professional will normally be in our 90-day program in order to return to work with a solid recovery base and an intensive discharge plan, along with a 2-year tracking and support system.

Admissions and Referrals

Referrals and admissions to Brookhaven Retreat for the impaired professional realignment may be made 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Back To Your Care

If you are a referring physician or healthcare provider, we will notify you regarding the care and arrangements that have been planned for your patient once she leaves Brookhaven Retreat and reenters the community.

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