Our Founder

Our Founder


My story began ‘across the pond’ in England where I was a successful developer of assisted living facilities. I was married and had two beautiful children, a son and a daughter. I had it all. Then one horrible day my daughter went to a nightclub and my whole world crashed. We lost her the next day to an ecstasy reaction. One year later, my husband left and I began to unravel as well. But I came back. I found a new beginning here in the States and Brookhaven Retreat is a powerful testimony to the good that can come out of pain, the strength that comes from having been broken.

I’m Jacqueline Dawes, founder of Brookhaven Retreat, a unique residential treatment center for women with emotional and addictive issues. Brookhaven Retreat was created to be a sanctuary for women to heal the emotional breakage suffered.

I know what the women who come to Brookhaven Retreat are going through and I know the road to emotional, spiritual and physical recovery is possible. I’m living proof and, if I can do it, others can too. It is my mission to share with women who have been bereaved, experienced loss or abandonment, suffered trauma, or have been abused that there is nothing more valuable than the gift of life, itself. Each person needs to be the best they can be and my program is designed to achieve that in an environment free from judgment, shame or insecurity.

We’re here to help and to provide an environment that delivers much needed safety, love and camaraderie to women. If you would like more information on Brookhaven Retreat and our outstanding clinical and professional staff or our comprehensive contemporary and holistic approach please contact me.

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