Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Brookhaven Retreat women-only?

Research has shown that when people enter co-ed facilities, they often make relationships that are carried on after treatment and can perpetuate addiction. Additionally, a women-only facility has proven more effective for those who have been victims of sexually, mentally and physically abusive relationships, which need to be resolved for a successful recovery.

Will my stay be kept confidential?

All clients' names, treatment and release information is kept absolutely confidential. Additionally, Brookhaven Retreat is secluded on 48 acres of pastures and woodlands with security cameras that monitor all entrance and exit doors to prevent unwanted visitors and uninvited guests. Brookhaven Retreat complies with all applicable Federal and State privacy laws.

Do patients have private rooms?

Brookhaven Retreat offers semi-private rooms upon initial admission and you are usually on your own for the first two days. Our experience has shown that a client's experience is richer and fuller when they have a suite companion. Isolation is a prohibitor of progress.

Are there visitation hours?

Clients may have visitation once per week, on Sunday afternoons, and on designated holidays, once they have met with their primary therapist and appropriate visitors have been approved. Individual visitation appointments can be made with the primary therapist as needed.

Can I smoke?

Yes, tobacco smoking is allowed in a designated smoking area outside the building.

Can I use the telephone?

You will be able to use the phones to make calls. It has proved to be beneficial to use phones under supervision in the first three days of your stay. It is our responsibility to protect you during this vulnerable period. The floor managers will assist you and remind you of phone times and limits. As time goes on, you will have wider and wider latitude in using the phones.

Can I bring a cell phone?

Though you are welcome to bring your cell phone with you, when admitting, we will place your phone in our safe. When entering into the program, we want you to become fully involved in the program and not be distracted by the noises of life. If you are in need of making a call, a staff member can help you with this. Some of our ladies will choose to send their cell phone home. Others like to have it in the safe so that they may check it out when leaving on pass.

Do you ride the horses?

Equine assisted therapy is all work that is carried out on the ground under the supervision of a clinical specialist. This particular model of therapy teaches trust and reflects human relationships and is not a recreational activity.

Do you accept Pets?

Though we definitely have a love for animals here at Brookhaven Retreat, we are unable to have clients bring their pets with them during their stay. Many of the women have allergies to particular types of animals and it would be very difficult to manage these allergies with an animal residing on the premises. If you want to have a pet visit, this must occur off of the Brookhaven Retreat property and with the approval of the treatment team. The following links provide the locations of some pet parks in the area at which you can arrange a pet visit:

  • Victor Ashe Park
    • Park Information
    • Location on Google Maps
    • Driving directions from Brookhaven Retreat
  • Pet Safe Village
    • Park Information
    • Location on Google Maps
    • Driving directions from Brookhaven Retreat

Do I have access to a computer?

Yes, we are a Macintosh facility. If you have a need to use the computer you may obtain a pass from your primary therapist. Please do not bring your own computer or portable computing device (iPad, e-reader, etc.)

Can I receive packages and letters?

Yes. Letters will be delivered to you daily. Packages will be opened in your presence by the floor managers and signed for daily. All deliveries of fruit, flowers, edibles and plants, etc. must be delivered in non-breakable containers.

Can my loved ones contact me by email?

We have staff available day and night to receive emails from your loved ones. Receiving words of encouragement or affirmation can really help keep you going! Whenever you receive an email or phone message, our staff will post this on the message board within the facility which you can check throughout the day.

Do you have laundry facilities?

Yes, we have two laundry rooms for the women to wash their clothing with Bosch washers and dryers. These laundry rooms are available throughout day time hours, 7 days per week. There is a dry cleaning service available where your garments will be picked up and taken offsite.

Can you accommodate special diets?

We have been very successful at this, however, we do not want anyone to be disappointed. If you have a specific type of diet, it would be helpful for you to email your Admissions Coordinator prior to admission a weekly diet plan for our dietitian, physician and chefs to review to make sure we can meet all your requests.

Should I get my prescription filled before I come?

You should pack a three-day supply of your medications and/or supplements in the original prescription bottles.

I just got my prescription filled. If the doctor changes my medication what happens to the medications I have already bought?

We ask that you bring only a three-day supply of your medication in the original prescription bottles. We will order the correct medications and quantity while you are here at Brookhaven for you to take after using your three day supply.

I get my meds filled through MedCo. How will that work?

Medications are ordered through our contracted Pharmacy. (MedCo has a delivery delay that does not allow us to use them as a medication provider.)

What is the average cost for medication?

We use generic medications whenever possible, which are less expensive. Medications ordered are on a case-by-case basis as the physician determines what is appropriate for you, the client.

Will I get the meds I bring in back when I discharge?

If you are medically prescribed the medication by our Brookhaven doctor you will receive the medication upon your discharge. Medications brought in that you are no longer taking will be destroyed per facility policy. We again request that you only bring a three day-supply in the original prescription bottle.

I am taking herbal supplements, will I be able to continue those?

Due to the possibility of potential drug interactions, each supplement will be individually evaluated by your physician and a decision made about continuing the supplement.

How can I obtain my medical records from Brookhaven Retreat?

A master copy of all medical records will be mailed to each client approximately 45 days after discharge, provided the necessary releases have been signed.

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