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Thursday, 18 February 2010 12:56

Group Therapy

Group therapy is the heartbeat of any good therapy center. When you process in a group and hear the feedback and responses of others in the group, it takes you to a whole other level that you could never have thought of on your own. Through that, just the support and the camaraderie and the kinship and just the togetherness helps you break through very difficult emotional issues.

Thursday, 18 February 2010 12:53

Equine Therapy

Brookhaven Retreat offers equine assisted psychotherapy (EAP) as part of our addiction and emotional wellness treatment program. EAP has proven successful in treating those with mental health issues by providing a powerful therapy for trauma and conflict resolution that incorporates teaching and practicing essential life skills.

Typically conducted in groups, a highly trained equine therapist and psychotherapist are responsible for facilitating the development of a relationship between a client and the horses.
Horses provide highly accurate feedback about personalities, attitudes and moods by mirroring human body language. The therapist observes the client interaction with the horses and helps to assess and process feelings, behaviors and patterns. A client who finds it difficult to set healthy boundaries in relationships may also allow a horse to nip at her hands or clothing. The client may misinterpret the aggressive behavior as affection, allowing the therapist to explore this misconception as a clinical issue.

With this unique therapy, talk is replaced by touch, movement and other elements not part of the traditional therapeutic environment. While riding is not incorporated into EAP, activities such as the grooming process - picking mud out of feet, untangling manes and tails and brushing the horse's coat - can help clients to work on issues such as nurturing, asking for help, isolation, dependence, performance anxiety, connection and intimacy.

EAP provides a platform for rapid, sustainable change and growth for the clients of Brookhaven Retreat, allowing them to move past the power of addiction and gain newfound independence.

Thursday, 18 February 2010 12:52

Art as Therapy

Our therapies in medium are used for people that just aren't able to express their feelings with words. They've never been allowed to; they don't know the words that they need to use. And we use several mediums of art as therapy that just allow them to express, on paper, what they can't say. But by reading the artistic expression, we know where their feelings are at.

Thursday, 18 February 2010 07:21


Emotional, mental, spiritual, social and physical needs are addressed through a wide variety of processes, including meditation, yoga, safe detoxification, family therapy, specialized trauma workshops, group therapy, education groups, psychodrama, role play, experiential groups, art therapy, spiritual groups, 12-step groups/meetings and adventure-based counseling. These experiences are designed to help women cope with emotional distress, trauma, victimization, shame, grief and guilt while promoting self-worth, positive self-image, enhanced self-esteem and healthy coping skills. Women learn to confront self destructive beliefs and attitudes to develop positive behaviors and habits.

Upon admission, you will be given a thorough physical and psychological tests. The results of this evaluation, along with your interview with your primary therapist, will become the foundation of your specific treatment plan.

All of our therapists are master's level or above, fully credentialed and experienced. They include licensed clinical social workers, licensed psychologists, licensed marriage and family counselors, master's level in therapeutic recreation, licensed alcohol and drug addiction counselors, licensed professional counselors, trained equine therapists and a variety of spiritual mentors, including Native American spirituality.

This was taken from the GNP model site. Please review. We may want to list and link the therapy pages, depending on the design of the menu.

Thursday, 18 February 2010 06:57


While at Brookhaven Retreat you will have the opportunity to attend a weekly aftercare planning group to begin the process of preparation for the transition from the safety of treatment back into the natural environment. In addition to this you will have one on one meetings with the discharge planner to create a highly individualized aftercare plan. This will focus on arranging follow up appointments with outpatient providers as we recognize that the success of any program is often contingent on adequate follow up post discharge.

The Aftercare program at Brookhaven Retreat offers several options for continued support of recovery once you have left our facility. We do not feel that the completion of one's stay here is the completion of their treatment. We have three very specific programs in place for the alumni. First, we have a weekly Aftercare group that is held every Monday night and works like a conference call. The group is semiformal and offers a chance for our alumni to connect and reconnect with other alumni who are in all different stages of their recovery. Ladies will share about their experiences of returning home and reintegrating in to their personal lives, as well as the difficulties and challenges they have faced with their relapse warning signs. In addition, a topic focus for each group means that alumni will experience a type of refresher session, which will assist in the application of coping skills learned in treatment for practice in the natural environment.

Second, we have a website set up specifically for the alumni. It is a social networking site in which the alumni can create a profile, put up pictures and send and receive messages to other alumni, and some staff. On the website one would also find news about Brookhaven, success stories and links for information on support groups. The website is secure and requires approval from the Aftercare Coordinator to join in order to ensure confidentiality.

Finally, we conduct follow-up interviews with the alumni. The interviews are conducted at one month, three months, six months and one-year post discharge. Some of the questions asked are about going to appointments, meeting attendance and if they are working/attending school, among other things. And of course they are asked if there is anything that we can do for them at the present time.

Additionally, to recognize the success of our graduates Brookhaven Retreat hosts an annual alumnae reunion. Alumni from all over the country come together with their Brookhaven sisters to restore, renew and treasure the life changes they began while in treatment. Brookhaven is a very special place to the alumni who have learned and redefined themselves while here. Our door is always open, and we want our alumni to always feel that we are a continued source of support for them.

Wednesday, 17 February 2010 21:12

Take the Next Step

There are so many negative emotions which roll around the very thought of reaching out for a higher level of clinical help.

Self-disappointment, shame, guilt, anxiety, fear, second guessing, anguish, hopelessness, helplessness, and a feeling of being overwhelmed are often the feelings that accompany the mere thought of getting more help.

A person may know that nothing is going to get better at home because she has already tried so hard. Secrets and lies keep women sick. It is not what has happened in a person's life that is most important; it is what that person does about what has happened. Judgment is for the ignorant and is not part of the Brookhaven ethos; only you have the whole story of you. We want to know your story and teach you how to become well. Only you can take that step to leave the land of the "walking dead" and find your way to the land of emotional wholeness. We have the tools. You have to be willing to take them and learn to use them.

It is up to you to have the shackles of emotional slavery removed.

Wednesday, 17 February 2010 20:27

What to Bring

We want each of our clients to be as comfortable as possible during their recovery process.

The following is all that is permitted during your stay:

Note: Any additional items will be locked up and returned upon discharge

  • Comfortable clothing - we recommend you bring a limited supply of clothing; laundry facilities are available
  • Robe, nightgowns, pajamas, slippers, sweatshirt, jacket
  • Comfortable shoes & socks/stockings (3 pairs)
  • 1 purse/wallet
  • Wrist watch
  • 2 belts
  • Hat/visor Sunglasses
  • A favorite blanket and pillow.
  • A warm jacket for working with the horses (some like to bring gloves)
  • Toiletries (Veet, deodorant stick, body lotion, face cream, powder, make up)
  • Hair accessories (dryer, hair spray, curling iron, shampoo, conditioner, etc.)
  • Pump products (versus aerosols)
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Nail clippers, tweezers, nail file
  • All prescription medicines
  • Electric razor
  • An iPod for relaxing music (iPod Shuffles only - no other iPod, iPhone or iTouch allowed)
  • Fan
  • Alarm clock
  • Photos of those who are important to you
  • A list of vitamins and supplements you are currently using
  • A list of physicians and therapists you work with
  • All current medication in pharmacy dispensed bottles - not in day containers
  • To obtain extra toiletry supplies, nearby retailers such as Wal-Mart and Target are a short trip away.
  • Up to $200 in cash
  • A credit or debit card for any purchases you may need
What not to bring:
  • Nothing breakable
  • No products with ether or isopropyl
  • No products with alcohol-based ingredients - e.g. Listerine
  • Leave any valuable jewelry at home
  • No over-the-counter medications
  • Please do not bring recreational reading materials - we have plenty of reading materials for you here
Wednesday, 17 February 2010 20:20

Daily Schedule

Each woman who comes to Brookhaven Retreat receives a customized, unique plan tailored especially for her recovery needs.

While each client's daily schedule may vary, typical activities at Brookhaven Retreat may include:
  • Meditation - This time provides an opportunity to begin the day with serenity and peace. In addition, meditation encourages clients to focus, process and eliminate negative thoughts and emotions.
  • Morning Goals Group - This occurs with the community and close care providers to help identify specific, objective and measurable goals, as well as evaluating progress towards daily goals.
  • Community Meeting - This meeting addresses community concerns, requests or needs to be discussed with the Brookhaven Retreat Program Director.
  • Core Processing Group - Group therapy works through interpersonal, family and social struggles, develops communication and relationship skills, nurtures shared identity and allegiance of peers, a community of concern/understanding and fosters appropriate attitudes and behaviors.
  • Therapeutic Assignments - Assignments are given by a therapist on a regular basis and address specific needs developed in the treatment plan goals. Therapeutic assignments help define alternative needs and behaviors, as well as practicing new behaviors.
  • Journaling - Journaling promotes private, self-regulation and self-awareness and is suggested daily to allow clients to begin to identify their feelings, express them and resolve them privately.
  • Specialty Groups - Designed to help prepare and assist clients in being able to understand and deal with the lifelong journey of recovery, specialty groups cover a wide range of topics and activities.
  • Individual Therapy - During this time, clients are able to discuss anything and everything that is on their minds. It is a time to embrace individual development and exploration with a primary therapist.
  • Family Therapy - During family therapy, clients and their loved ones examine how addiction has affected their relationships, identifying the needs of both parties.
  • Spirituality Group - Clients can participate in spirituality groups, which may assist them in developing a sense of peace and serenity when daily life issues loom out of control.
  • Games/Arts/Crafts - These activities help identify alternative expression of feelings, as well as develop healthy leisure and relaxation skills. The games assist in memory recall, goal-directed thinking, and problem solving skills. Clients are encouraged to identify leisure activities that they will continue as a means of healthy living upon discharge.
Wednesday, 17 February 2010 20:14


At Brookhaven Retreat, we strongly believe that the road to recovery does not exist solely within the walls of a counseling room. The non-locked, voluntary environment allows for a wide variety of activities that target the relational, social, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs of each woman who comes through our doors.

The grounds at Brookhaven Retreat offer clients the ability to take part in a variety of outdoor activities, such as:

  • equine therapy
  • gardening
  • ropes course
  • hiking and walking
  • team sports
  • stretching/body mindfulness
  • sand volleyball
  • horseshoes
  • softball
  • badminton
  • nature trails
  • fire pit
Clients at Brookhaven Retreat are also introduced to a variety of other activities that help stimulate the mind and spirit, while teaching skills that may have been lost to their addiction:
  • meditation
  • journaling
  • role play
  • life appreciation
  • relationship building
  • spiritual service
  • financial management
  • arts & crafts
  • music & movement

Each client has a unique, tailored plan designed specifically for her road to recovery and may include any or all of these activities.

Wednesday, 17 February 2010 18:20

I am strong, smart, capable and beautiful

As a child I was filled with so much life. I was confident, driven, energetic and happy. My world was full of love and laughter. By 25 years of age, I had lost almost all of my childhood gifts and life seemed to be leaving me behind. I rarely got out of bed and simple tasks such as showering took more energy than I had. I had no job, no direction, and little interest in things that used to give me pleasure. The relationships I was in at the time was emotionally abusive yet I couldn't find the strength to walk away. The only thing I felt could comfort me was an even more dangerous relationship than the one with my boyfriend. Alcohol had become a serious problem for me.

One day I received a call from my mother regarding something she found on the internet. My mother was always searching for help for me and I have never been receptive to her efforts until I learned about Brookhaven. Less than two days later I was on a flight to Tennessee.

Brookhaven Retreat is a spectacular place. The women here are non-judgemental, kind, and amazingly supportive. I have never trusted anyone like I trust my Brookhaven sisters. The staff is very attentive and friendly. My therapist here is the best therapist I have ever had (and I have had a few). Individual and group therapy has been incredibly helpful. In all groups I have learned helpful tools and developed skills that help me overcome obstacles and get through every day. I have learned to regulate my emotions, ways to manage my time and efforts, how to have healthy relationships, how to lead a happy life, and so much more. In the time that I have been here, I have been happier, less anxious, my relationship with my family has improved dramatically, I have not craved alcohol, I am productive and motivated, and generally feel fantastic. I will be eternally grateful for the care I received at Brookhaven and would encourage anyone to give it a chance because it has truly changed my life. I am excited to finally start living the life I dreamed about because I know today that I am strong, smart, capable and beautiful just the way I am. Brookhaven has helped me realize that.

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