BHR gave me incredible hope and a passion for life

I would like to thank everyone very much for the opportunity to have a safe, educational place to become a whole person.

I have learned self-respect, courage and patience

I believe the staff and clients saved my life and my future. Also of course, I have done the same myself.

For the first time I feel grounded.

I realize I was only here thirty days, but I feel that if you really want the program to work, you must work the program. The classes hit every angle of my life, physical, mental and spiritual.

When I first arrived I had no hope. BHR gave me incredible hope and a passion for life, a SOBER Life. As for my after care, I will be attending three classes a week for eight weeks, starting next Tues. I know in my heart there is no way to promise I'll never take a drink again, but for now I do not see it in my future.

I still have and probably always will struggle with my self-esteem. It's slowly moving up. I have come to the realization that I must set boundaries with my sisters in order to move on.

I would like to give much gratitude to everyone at Brookhaven Retreat.

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