Is Brookhaven Retreat for You?

If you or someone you really care for is struggling with emotional breakage and unexplainable behaviors and decisions, it is time to get some expertise on your side. Brookhaven Retreat is focused on treating emotional self-disconnection, mood disorders from depression to bipolar, borderline personality disorder, trauma, postpartum, grief and loss, and a range of addictive and dependent behaviors.

Many women have said to us “it feels like walking dead”. Some women feel disconnected to the reality of others. Still others just cannot stop the racing thoughts – what they mean or where they come from. Shame and guilt, anger and frustration, “less than”, low self esteem, low self confidence, “never can be good enough” are emotional roadblocks women experience when thoughts of accepting a higher level of clinical care are shared.

These types of emotional, mood and mental health disorders leads to distorted thinking and allow poor choices to govern their lives. Living with the emotions, choices and experiences becomes overwhelmingly impossible. Some feel that they just do not know how to live, creating a totally hopeless feeling and the woman emotionally paralyzed but not knowing that is what has happened.

Trying to cope with any of these issues can cause a person to use one or a combination of emotional escape tools, such as alcohol dependancy, substance abuse, shopping, co-dependent relationships, isolation, anger, or emotional eating, all of which may allow you to survive for a while but they do not teach you to cope effectively with living. Brookhaven Retreat believes personal emotional growth is a process to gain better coping skills, living skills and regulated thinking. To own who you are. To own the person who somehow was lost.

Women do not choose to feel this way, it gradually evolves and engulfs. Some call Brookhaven Retreat an “Emotional Finishing School for Women” where through a multi-modality approach you are facilitated with the tools that help you understand your truth, your life, how your relationships have evolved and what needs to take place for you to work through this and develop coping and living skills that can work for you.

Some women do not know why they are escaping or closing down, some are afraid to know. This type of woman needs a very safe environment that allows a therapeutic journey of true self discovery. A women has to own to possess and own to give away. A woman has to own herself. Most have to learn how.

The fact of the matter is that you have to want more for yourself. Being willing to take a sabbatical from life accelerates the damage control process so you can think plan and strategize what it is going to take to manage change. This program cannot be forced on a person. This is not a compulsory program. This is for a woman who wants to embrace all she can be.

Fear, secrets, lies and having been emotionally unprotected often stop a woman from being able to trust her gut and to have the courage to manage her own metamorphosis from fragmented and scattered to centered.

A learning and resolving process has to take place so you know what resolution, coping and living skills are necessary for you. If you don't manage emotional and mental health issues they will manage you.

Brookhaven Retreat is a unique voluntary residential program for women who want their lives to be different. The program is specially designed to help women to manage alcohol and medication challenges, depression, emotional trauma, bipolar disorder, anxiety and mood disorders which leave a woman feeling trapped with no means to escape or ability to move forward successfully.

  • Brookhaven Retreat offers contemporary holistic integrated care with compassion and respect from our highly trained staff, managed by our Program Directors and Medical Director
  • Features The Lily Program™ - 30 to 60 day emotional self regulation program
  • Features Poncho™ - Brookhaven Retreat's proprietary life realignment program (a 30 to 60 day program available after your first 30 day stay)
  • Residential tracts for both mental health and substance abuse (many of our clients have no history of substance abuse and come strictly for mood, emotional or trauma services)
  • Medication management program (a detailed history of medications tried is very helpful)
  • Full alcohol and substance medical detoxification available as part of a 30-day program (a stand-alone detox is not available)
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