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Brookhaven Retreat is Accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Organizations and is licensed by the State of Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities.


beauty in life worth living
beauty in life worth living

We are a private pay treatment center and do not accept any type of insurance. Costs associated with care are the responsibility of the client.

Brookhaven Retreat Celebrates Self-Awareness Month

Tuesday, 16 September 2014 00:00 
Brookhaven Retreat Celebrates Self-Awareness Month

Self-awareness is an umbrella term that encompasses many essential skills that allow women to maintain power and control over their own thoughts, behaviors and emotions. During the month of September, Brookhaven Retreat will celebrate International Self-Awareness Month by acknowledging its effects on women’s mental health and wellness.

Many women with mental health issues struggle with establishing their own self-identity and awareness. For women with mood disorders, their reality is skewed and they are unable to separate their emotions from the truth. For example, women with depression often report a destructive self-view and low self-esteem, while a woman in a manic phase may refuse to admit there is anything wrong as her self-awareness decreases.

The ability to identify ones own strengths, weaknesses, beliefs and emotions is a skill that takes time, focus and dedication, but is essential to lifelong management of mood disorders. Brookhaven Retreat’s exclusive 90-day program is founded upon individual treatment plans that address a woman’s unique needs, goals, strengths and “less” strengths in order to create a healthy and happy life.

Each week in September, women will participate in a variety of therapeutic groups that promote self-insight and skills development. Women are also encouraged to reflect through journaling, equine-assisted therapy and art projects.

Brookhaven Retreat believes that self-awareness is the backbone to personal, emotional and mental growth. When a woman is more in-tune with her needs, emotions and behaviors she is able to make conscious decisions, successfully challenge destructive thoughts, and truly begin to feel self-love.