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Licensing & Accreditation

Brookhaven Retreat is Accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Organizations and is licensed by the State of Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities.


beauty in staying well

We are a private pay treatment center and do not accept any type of insurance. Costs associated with care are the responsibility of the client.

Doing well while in the safety of a residential treatment center is expected, but the real test starts when the person returns home and begins to apply the skills that they have learned in their natural environment and with everyday stressors.

Continuing care is recommended and arranged for every client we see at Brookhaven Retreat. While many of the principles for staying well are taught throughout the program during the final phase (typically during the final week) an aftercare plan will be developed by each client and their primary therapist that will include follow-up appointments, plans for structure and plans addressing the individual needs of the client.

The Aftercare Program at Brookhaven Retreat offers several options for continued support of recovery once a client has left our facility. We do not feel that the completion of one's stay at Brookhaven is the completion of treatment. Our door is always open, and we want our alumnae to always feel that we are a continued source of support for them. We recommend that in addition to continuing therapeutic care on an outpatient basis, that each client also participate in Brookhaven Retreat’s aftercare services. We have four very specific services in place for our alumnae:

  • Weekly Aftercare Group Telephone Call

    Weekly Aftercare Group Telephone Call

    Every Monday night alumnae are invited to participate in a semiformal conference call that allows are alumnae to connect and reconnect with other alumnae who are in all different stages of their recovery. Typical topics include the experience of returning home, reintegration into regular life, difficulties and challenges, and relapse warning signs. There is a topic focus for each group which provides a type of “refresher session” which will assist in the application of coping skills learned in treatment for practice in the natural environment.

  • Aftercare Program Website & Weekly E-blast

    Aftercare Program Website & Weekly E-blast

    This secure, confidential social networking website allows alumnae to create a profile, put up pictures and send and receive messages to/from other alumnae, and aftercare staff. The website also includes news about Brookhaven, success stories and links for information on support groups.

  • Follow-up Interview

    Follow-up Interview

    All alumnae are asked to participate in follow-up interviews at one month, three months, six months and one-year post discharge. These interviews serve a dual purpose: The interviews provide information for Brookhaven in terms of success rates, techniques that work and suggestions for improvement. The interviews also provide a “check-in” for clients that may help motivate them to continue healthy new habits.

  • Annual Alumnae Reunion

    Annual Alumnae Reunion

    Brookhaven Retreat recognizes the success of our graduates on a yearly basis with an annual Reunion. Alumnae from all over the country come together with their Brookhaven sisters to restore, renew and treasure the life changes they began while in treatment. Brookhaven is a very special place to the alumnae who have grown and redefined themselves during their treatment.

It should be understood that any persons in pictures displayed on this page are models, and the pictures are used for illustrative purposes only.