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Brookhaven Retreat is Accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Organizations and is licensed by the State of Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities.


beauty in life worth living
beauty in life worth living

We are a private pay treatment center and do not accept any type of insurance. Costs associated with care are the responsibility of the client.

Did you know?!? Animal Affection and Expression

Did you know?!? Animal Affection and Expression

Monday, 12 December 2016 20:49  by Caitlin Y.
My daughter came home from school one day very upset. She looked at me with tearful eyes and said, “My teacher said animals don’t have emotions. Is that true? Does that mean that Remy (our dog) doesn’t love me?” Now I’m no veterinarian, but my 20+ years of being around animals has shown me that animals are incredible creatures and are capable of astounding things. How do I explain such a complex idea to my tearful daughter? This is what I told her “people have different opinions and that’s alright…
Feeling stressed or anxious? Get outside and move a little!
After a summer full of record-breaking temperatures, it seems that fall weather has finally arrived in East Tennessee! I don’t know about you, but I absolutely love the fall. The crisp air, beautiful leaves changing, and the comfortable temperatures are just a few of the reasons to enjoy this amazing season. I have most been looking forward to enjoying walks again this fall. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good walk anytime of the year, but I find it much more enjoyable in the absence of hot and humid…
Butternut Squash Soup

Butternut Squash Soup

Thursday, 08 December 2016 07:23  by Jessica B.
Even though the weather as of late wouldn’t lead one to believe that Fall is upon us, the appearance of Autumn fruits and vegetables in your local supermarket says otherwise! Nothing makes me more excited this time of year than getting my hands on some locally grown butternut squash. Much like the sweet potato, butternut squash is so versatile and can be used in various cooking applications. Truly, my most favorite way to eat butternut squash is simple: large diced, generously coated with olive oil, salt, and pepper, and roasted…
Spiced Pumpkin Pie Smoothie - Packed with Protein
With fall upon us, it’s now time for pumpkin spiced everything! This is the season for hearty root vegetables, such as squash, sweet potatoes, turnips, parsnips and pumpkin. You could make a warm butternut squash soup, roasted acorn squash, candied sweet potatoes… or turn your tubers into a cool, sweet breakfast food! Try this spiced smoothie for a huge dose of Vitamin A and protein; just ½ of a cup of pumpkin contains 250% your daily value of Vitamin A, which functions as an antioxidants in the body, slowing the…
Stress Signs, Symptoms and Relief

Stress Signs, Symptoms and Relief

Saturday, 03 December 2016 04:47  by Jennifer K.
Everyone has stress in their life. Question is do you recognize the signs and symptoms of stress? †The following is a list of 50 common signs and symptoms. Frequent headaches, jaw clenching or pain Gritting, grinding teethn Stuttering or stammeringn Tremors, trembling of lips, handsn Neck ache, back pain, muscle spasmsn Light headedness, faintness, dizzinessn Ringing, buzzing or “popping soundsn Frequent blushing, sweatingn Cold or sweaty hands, feetn Dry mouth, problems swallowingn Frequent colds, infections, herpes soresn Rashes, itching, hives, “goose bumps”n Unexplained or frequent “allergy” attacksn Heartburn, stomach pain,…
Smell, Taste and Memory

Smell, Taste and Memory

Thursday, 01 December 2016 04:33  by Jennifer K.
Have you ever had the sensation that a smell you can’t identify is somehow familiar? Never fear, the answer is in your memory. Your sense of smell is highly emotive and more linked to memory than any of your other senses. A smell can trigger a memory, often spontaneously. Specific smells may also help recall a long forgotten event or experience. When you smell cookies or a fresh baked pie most people think of a parent or grandparent. New smells are linked to an event, person, thing or moment. When…
Addiction: Scratching the Surface or Breaking the Stigma
In today’s society, it is likely that we personally know someone that is addicted or we know of someone who has been. The question that seems to be on society’s mind is “Why?”. Why would someone choose that life? Why can’t they just quit (insert addiction)? Doesn’t this person realize they are letting their life slip away? The short answer to these questions is this… It’s just not that easy. It’s so much more complicated than just changing a behavior. Both lack of education and resources play a huge role…
Great American Smokeout Event

Great American Smokeout Event

Saturday, 26 November 2016 00:00  by Jennifer K.
The American Cancer Society supports the holiday on November 17. The Great American Smokeout falls on the third Thursday of November. This holiday challenges smokers across the nation to stop using tobacco for one day. They also inform the public on the hazards of smoking and resources they can use to help quit smoking. This holiday is celebrated with rallies, parades, stunts, quitting information, ”Cold Turkey” menu items in schools, workplaces, main streets and legislative halls. This holiday began from an event in Randolph, PA when Arthur P. Mullaney asked…
My Response To No One Brings Dinner When Your Daughter is an Addict
I stumbled across this article a few years ago on Facebook and would love to share it with you. In this article, a father describes the difference between the support his family received while his daughter sought treatment for bipolar disorder, alcohol and substance abuse vs. when his wife went through treatment for breast cancer. I would highly recommend you reading his story just to get a glimpse of so many families’ realities. Have you read it yet? I’ll wait… Change this story around a bit...change breast cancer to…
Man (or Woman’s) Best Friend

Man (or Woman’s) Best Friend

Tuesday, 22 November 2016 00:00  by Caitlin Y.
When my family adopted our sweet dog, I knew that she would become a part of our family and no matter what circumstances arose; we would never leave or forsake her. I lied. Wait…I take that back, I didn’t actually lie because that would indicate that my actions were to create a deliberate or intentional falsehood. That was certainly not the case, but nevertheless, it doesn’t change the fact that we had to leave our girl behind when we moved. Our life took a turn that none of us could…
Perfect Low Carb Fall Soup

Perfect Low Carb Fall Soup

Saturday, 19 November 2016 00:00  by Crisie J.
This creamy, cozy, low carb soup will come in handy for cool Fall nights ahead. It's also a recipe you can throw together ahead of time and put in a crock-pot for a rushed evening or meal on the go. Ingredients: 4 slices of bacon, diced 2 tablespoons unsalted butter 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 onion, diced 2 carrots, peeled and diced 2 stalks celery, diced 1/4 cup all purpose flour 4 cups chicken broth 1 cup 2% milk 1 head cauliflower, roughly chopped 1 bay leaf Salt and pepper…
Time Management For Your Personal or Professional Life
Everyone has said, “Where did the time go?” We have all wasted time and wish we hadn’t. Here are some ideas on how to organize and create time management skills. To answer the question, “Where did my time go?” you will first need to document for a week to see what you are actually doing with your time. You can then take a look at how productive you actually are and see where you can be more efficient at the end of the week. First you will need to organize,…
Laughter Therapy

Laughter Therapy

Tuesday, 15 November 2016 00:00  by Caitlin Y.
I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, “laughter is the best medicine.” I must agree that nothing can bring me out of a slump like good hearty laughter. I’ve found some research that shows a bit of validity to the phrase! An article on WebMD states, “We change physiologically when we laugh. We stretch muscles throughout our face and body, our pulse and blood pressure go up, and we breathe faster, sending more oxygen to our tissues. People who believe in the benefits of laughter say it can be like a…
Personal Time Away From Your Cell Phone

Personal Time Away From Your Cell Phone

Saturday, 12 November 2016 00:00  by Jennifer K.
Take a look around you. Can you count how many people are on their cell phone? These days if you have a smart phone you have a mini computer in your hand. They have many of the same features such as social media, games, email, video chat, etc. As the smart phone became more popular a new type of addiction emerged. There are signs and symptoms as there is with any other addiction. Here are some of the signs of cell phone addiction. Are you preoccupied with your cell phone?…
Food Addiction

Food Addiction

Thursday, 10 November 2016 00:00  by Caitlin Y.
I have always struggled with my self-esteem when it comes to body image. I remember when I was in high school, feeling like I was overweight. Now looking back at those pictures, I long to be the presumed “overweight” that I thought myself to be!!! Various things have attributed to my unhealthy lifestyle (and perception of myself) over the years. I won’t get into that right now…those are topics for another blog! Regardless of the cause, the effect is that the number on the scale (and size of my waistband)…
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