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Licensing & Accreditation

Brookhaven Retreat is Accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Organizations and is licensed by the State of Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities.


We are a private pay treatment center and do not accept any type of insurance. Costs associated with care are the responsibility of the client.


Success Stories


Here are just a few of the success stories shared by our alumnae to express their satisfaction and gratitude for the program and to inspire other women to take the steps they did to gain control of their lives.

You have saved my life literally. Believing in me ‐ having me write those letters helped immensely. There are really no words for the amount of respect and gratitude I feel for you and Brookhaven!! The therapeutic things you do for us: Poncho, therapist twice a day, reflexology, P.C.'s, nurses, horses, ropes, front office, keeping this place ship shape. You are on top of everything and it shows. Without your guidance this would not be. I have the utmost respect and love for you. You're a smart business women, strong and beautiful inside and out. I want you to know I feel free to come back if I don't feel well at home. Thank you for believing in me, Jacqueline.…
I never EVER thought that I would be approaching my last 30 days when I first started about 59 days ago. Yet, here I am. I can’t even begin to express the change I have undergone. I guess the best place to start is at the beginning of college, about a few months before I decided to come to Brookhaven. My process of getting into college was not a particularly a spectacular and dreamy one. Life went on hold, for me at a pivotal time for most “talent goers” (those of us who dream of being on Broadway, films, or even being a part of it). My mom had to force me, my extremely helpless self, to even apply and…
You have given me a place to feel safe. It took time but with the help of your amazing staff, three meals a day, and a true schedule I slowly was able to take off my mask. The support and structure of the program to get sober has without a question saved my life. Being constantly challenged by my therapist, groups, and the community helped me to identify my triggers, and unhealthy coping skills like being people pleasing, addressing my cognitive distortions, and being avoidant. Poncho, Art Therapy, DBT, and learning self care has made me grow in so many amazing ways for my new future. EMDR has helped me make peace with things haunted me from my past every…
Thank you for all that you do! I am truly grateful and appreciative to all Brookhaven staff for every contribution made to help me discover myself and reach my maximum goal of a loving, healthy, self-actualized life. Although I’ve had some challenging setbacks, ya’ll have stood by me the whole time, and not given up on me, even when I may have been pretty frustrating for you at times. How have you helped me? Let me count the ways: To my therapist: You’ve worked systematically (whether I liked it or not) to guide me to self-sufficiency, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-revelation, self- discovery, and self-efficacy in such an amazing subtle way, that I couldn’t even see what was going on. As a…
When I arrived at Brookhaven Retreat, I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown and in a deep depression. My progress has been tremendous. The therapies and instructional classes have made me look at myself in ways that I never knew how to do. My therapist has played a key role in my progress and recovery. I think the program here is very professionally done to really help make changes in a person’s life. I do agree that it does take at least 90 days to get the full benefits to gain a healthy mind and lifestyle. Since being here, I have learned how to set boundaries, be assertive, be non-judgmental, have self-confidence, gain direction for my life, forgive…
Where do I even begin? I came here lost and completely broken with no hope of finding a way to happiness and balance. My normal tendency would have been to ease in or even wait to be forced in, however I decided to jump right into the program. I have faced struggles, had times where I’ve withdrawn, and times when I have been resistant. However, with the help and support of an amazing staff, especially my therapist, I was able to find my way. Going through this program has taught me tools and tactics I never knew about and shown me how to stay regulated even through trying times, I am grateful for that. Now, as I prepare to leave,…
I have made friends and a support network that will last a lifetime, and by learning and practicing mindfulness, emotional regulation and DBT skills I have a solid foundation on which to build my new life. My son now looks at me happily with pride in his eyes and I am well on my way to being the strong but kind mother he remembers. My best friend of 17 years is happy with my decision-making and contacts me regularly to let me know he is happy with my progress. I have learned not to have high expectations of getting my needs met by people in my past who aren’t capable of meeting my emotional or physical needs. I have made…
Before I made the choice to attend Brookhaven Retreat, my life was limited to a car accident and drinking vodka, eating potato chips and beef jerky. My son had stopped talking to me and would not accept my phone calls. He did not share with me that he was going to be a father until one week before his daughter was born. My mother had kicked me out of her house and wouldn’t let me come over to visit or to share a meal. My brother had moved me out of my home and left me homeless as he had no place for me to stay. I was afrid to talk to people and would not even shower for days.…
My deepest gratitude goes to each of you for guiding me through the program here at BHR. I have been learning more than I can digest properly in my 90 days here. The academic approach of both the Lily and Poncho programs as well as the general book-centered approach (even including our loved ones) has appealed to me greatly. While the “book” knowledge has been enlightening, the therapeutic process (formal and less formal) has helped me grow and change for the better. As I was raised in the tradition of Roman Catholicism, I learned at a young age about sacraments. As outward signs of inner realities sacraments are with all of us (regardless of spirituality) throughout our lives. It stuck…
I would like to thank all of the staff for a truly amazing experience. I needed a place to help me fight my addictions and depression – and my family and I found what we needed at Brookhaven. Brookhaven addresses all 3 areas I need – mind, body, and spirit. The healing starts with your therapist and you Core Group (“your Core Sisters”). My therapist supports me and pushes me to make the big changes I need to make. I am a smart, assertive woman and needed a strong therapist – and my therapist is exactly the right person for me. My Core Sisters support me and give me valuable feedback. I also appreciate the laughter my Core Sisters and…
Thank you for your wonderful program. You have provided me with so many tools and skills to stand on my own, perhaps truly for the first time in my life. I am no longer content living as another’s support. “Care not Carry” is very difficult to learn and put in practice nevertheless it gives so much emotional energy back to you to take care of yourself. Thank you for the validation that I am not defective, I simply lacked the knowledge, tools, and confidence needed to fully grow into adulthood. Thank you for providing a supportive, nurturing, and challenging place for me to find my voice, practice using it, and become accepting and proud of it. The biggest thing I…
This letter is so bittersweet yet exciting for me, let me count the ways you have changed my life. ……..I have learned & practiced mindfulness every day. I am so appreciative, grateful & thankful for being given the opportunity of a lifetime at Brookhaven. I have learned new tools and built new confidence level to conquer anything I put my mind to. I am able to set boundaries with people and ask them to do the same with me. I’m able to say I love you to my brothers and I mean it, which alone is a miracle in itself. I am fully communicative and expressive, I have learned radical acceptance, how to be more patient, to listen and think…
In my first three months of treatment here, I learned and studied the DBT skills intently. I came to Brookhaven a frightened and fragmented child with heavily skewed perceptions of the people around me and the hidden agendas they had in helping me. The distorted perspective I had of myself, my family of origin and people who reached out and loved me led to the self-sabotaging behaviors I automatically resorted to in the past. I gathered all the information and memorized the skills, yet when the time came for me to put my knowledge to the test, I behaved in a way that proved quite the contrary. My actions of manipulating, lying, and succumbing to my old, unproductive coping skills…
I will forever be grateful for the new life you have given me. I came in on February 6th hopeless and broken thinking I would never recover from the torture and hell I was feeling. I had hit rock bottom, hard. I felt like there was no recovery possible. My family was mad and my children were scared. I did not know what I was walking into here at Brookhaven, but I knew I needed a lot of help or I would probably die. I arrived and was relieved that for the first time in my life someone or everyone understood me and cared. I was so used to being misunderstood, I feared this would never change. So, it was…
I can’t believe that it’s time for me to part ways with Brookhaven after these five months! I still remember my first phone conversation with you like it was yesterday, for you were the one that gave me hope again. You recognized this in that shell of a person that I used to be; something that I couldn’t recognize in myself any longer. Your passion for wanting to help women find themselves and save them from themselves is still one of the most remarkable things about you, and what I admire the most in you. Your unwaivering support, kind words, and even stern words (when I needed them) are what kept me going and wanting more for myself. Thank you…
I’m writing to you to thank you and your treatment center for never giving up on me to begin my journey. I had hit my true bottom by trying to commit suicide in a motel so that my family wouldn’t have to find me… After two weeks in a hospital and then a few days in a psych ward, I was dropped off at Brookhaven Retreat by my husband. Saying “I was broken” didn’t cover it. Slowly I began to peel away my layers and began to uncover all the lies that my life was based upon. I began to make 2 steps forward and one step backwards. The patience and support you and your staff showed me was quite…
It is bittersweet for me to submit this last request to level up. My structure for security has matured over my last 87 days at Brookhaven. It is constructed from inner peace, self-acceptance, non-judgment, empathy, interpersonal effectiveness, emotional regulation, distress tolerance, radical acceptance, core values-identified, and mindfulness. Thanks to you all and especially, Sharon for allowing me to grow to a place where I could open my mind and improve myself. I never wanted a “New” me, just a better me. I have learned when to pull back and take a stance of silence. I have had the opportunity while at Brookhaven to experience intense challenges. With each challenge I regulated better and better using my skills. This most recent…
Thank you for all the support and projects that helped me get through what I needed to express. What I learned in Poncho has kept me aware of what I need to do to follow my dreams as well as what I shouldn’t be doing. The DBT skills book and classes have been very helpful in terms of communicating to my mother and my brother. Learning more about Mindfulness and Interpersonal Effectiveness has been vital to my process in terms of being more intoned with myself and what my needs are instead of focusing on my friends and everything else. Using opposite action has been the most helpful whenever I’m going through something that upsets me. Practicing mindfulness through the…
This process has been surreal in an eye-opening way. I've been search for this environment my whole adult life without really knowing why until I got here. It's exactly what I needed. At home I'm in a sorority that promotes "safe spaces", but I didn't know what a safe space really was until I got here. I feed secure and comfortable in this environment and the people I've met - clients and staff - have cultivated an extremely open place where I have felt comfortable opening up about all aspects of my life. I guess I'm saying thank you. I believe that my choice to come here saved my life. I am finally feeling through my emotions instead of drowning…
I feel I still have so much more growth and healing left to do before I leave the support and safety everyone at Brookhaven has given me. Once I finally found it and walked through those front doors - I began on an amazing journey to find myself, for the first time truly ever. What I didn’t known was just how broken I was, nor how hard the journey would be. Thank God for the entire Brookhaven staff and all my “Lily” sisters, for without ya’lls love, support, guidance, and the occasional push I truly don’t think I would have come this far. I had tried so hard “on the outside” to pull myself up by the bootstraps and just…
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