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Homemade Ice Cream

Friday, 11 July 2014 00:00  by Emily S.

July is full of fun activities revolved around basking in the sunshine, playing games and spending time with friends. But all that sunshine can leave us exhausted, yearning for a refreshing way to beat the heat.

A scoop or two of your favorite double chocolate brownie fudge ice cream might seem like the best way to ward off the heat while celebrating national ice cream month, but there might be an even better option that won’t leave the guilty pleasure aftermath: Making your own ice cream!

There are plenty of reasons why homemade ice cream is the ultimate summer indulgence:

It is healthier: Store bought ice cream is full of additives, chemicals and loads of sugar. Excess sugar has been noted to cause anxiety and depression, along with a decrease in memory. By making your own ice cream you are well aware of the ingredients you are ingesting without missing out on the fresh, creamy pleasure.

It enhances self-confidence: Eating ice cream might be the last thing you think of when desiring to improve self-confidence, but homemade ice cream does just that! There is a lot that can be said about venturing out, trying something new, and accomplishing it! No matter what the task, challenging ourselves and achieving that goal has amazing impact on self-confidence!

You can practice being mindful: It is easy and mindless to drop a few scoops in to a bowl, or order a cone from a drive-thru. It does however; take much more effort and focus to make ice cream at home. Cooking, baking and making requires concentration, energy and time. It forces us to step off of autopilot and be in the moment, step by step. It is important that we appreciate the simple efforts in life and be more aware of what we are doing, why we are doing it and whom we are sharing it with.

It generates social Interaction: This is the perfect opportunity to spend time making memories with friends and family, learning a new skill and establishing healthy lifestyle habits. Everyone will love the delicious treat.

You can be creative: Ben and Jerry know this best; homemade ice cream is a chance to work our creative minds. Creativity is often lost in the stresses of everyday life, but it is a vital skill that should be practiced often! It stimulates the brain and refines critical thinking skills. Creativity is also linked to reduced anxiety and fear as we become overall happier and more resilient.

This July, indulge in your very own ice cream flavor that is not only good for your body, but also your emotional, social and mental health.

Here is a quick and antioxidant rich green tea coconut milk ice cream recipe:


  • 2 14.5-ounce cans coconut milk (full fat)
  • 2 teaspoons matcha green tea powder
  • ½ cup agave nectar


  1. Heat the coconut milk and green tea powder in a saucepan over high and bring to a full boil.
  2. Stir well to incorporate the powder until it is dissolved, which will take some time because matcha doesn’t dissolve easily.
  3. Remove from heat, stir in the agave and allow mixture to cool before pouring it into a container and refrigerating it.
  4. Once the mixture is cold, add it to your ice cream maker, following the instructions.
Last modified on Friday, 18 July 2014 05:01

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